This Years Show Will Take Place on 10/08/2024

Done & Dusted – A Big Thankyou!

So we’re all done and dusted and the 2015 show is all over. There are so many people to thank… Did you come and see the show and buy a raffle ticket or make a donation? Thankyou! Raffle money is a significant contribution to the funds for next years show and without it, we’d be […]

20150801-_DSF0662So we’re all done and dusted and the 2015 show is all over.

There are so many people to thank…

Did you come and see the show and buy a raffle ticket or make a donation? Thankyou! Raffle money is a significant contribution to the funds for next years show and without it, we’d be stretched to afford all the bits and bobs (and blu-tack!) that make things run so smoothly. Every pound is much appreciated and we’re completely reliant on the generosity of the community to fund the show year after year.

Did you take the time to enter something? Give up a bit of your Friday night to come down and enter, pay your entry fee, then get out of bed early on Saturday to bring your exhibit down? Thankyou! Without the entries we’d have no show. This year, the community centre was full of colour. From the flowers, to the photos to the art and the handicrafts. Such a huge display of talent from across the whole spectrum of creativity.

Did you sponsor the show or donate a raffle prize? Thankyou! As I said above. Without some form of income, the show would not go on! All our volunteers are unpaid, but unfortunately some things cost money. We’re losing our Horticultural Society sponsorship for 2016, so things will be even tighter. Your contributions are essential to keeping us going.

Did you donate time and energy to make the show happen? Thankyou! From staying behind at the end to pull blu-tack off the walls, to hoofing great big tables back to their homes across Weaverham. Without our volunteers, we simply wouldn’t be able to make this happen. Starting Friday night, the physical work didn’t stop until Saturday night when hopefully you all got home to a nice pair of slippers and a cold drink of your choice.

Did you work in the kitchens? From supplying our volunteers with tea & coffee, to laying on a fantastic lunch for our judges and sponsors. Completely behind the scenes, yet absolutely essential to a big part of the show. Thankyou for all your hard work!

Did you judge an exhibit? Thankyou! As a temporary steward this year, I got an insight into just how difficult it is to judge exhibits. A lot of work went in to them, and speaking to a judge, I understood just how tough it can be to differentiate “excellent” from “excellent”. Someone has to win, and many people don’t – but that’s not because their entries are poor.

Did you work on the committee? Thankyou! Without the scurrying back and forth over the village – trying to get the best prices for services, storing all the things needed for the show, making difficult decisions on blu-tack quantities (this isn’t going to ever die Joy) and putting up with my stupid questions and suggestions the show would be chaos incarnate.

It was wonderful to hear people excited to discover they had won. One lad, extremely excited to win a junior section, had a  look  of delight on his face as he said “I came first!”. Another lady punched the air as she left the centre! Good for you whoever you are.

Over the next week or so, I’ll get some photos up and also the ever important results. So please feel free to drop us an email or use the contact form with your feedback. We’ll take a well earned break until the Winter now, but we’re interested to hear what you thought, and of course, if you have any suggestions for photo categories for next year. I’ve also set up a Flickr account for the show as the website photo hosting isn’t great. If you want me to put any of your photos up, please email me at ian (at) with your details and I’ll make sure you get full credit.

See you soon.

And Thankyou all.




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