This Years Show Will Take Place on 10/08/2024

Quite a few classes here, so plenty to choose from! The Cara Cup is awarded to the exhibitor gaining the most points in this section and the Bryan Jewkes trophy will be awarded to the winner of C22.

Class C1     Three potatoes

Wonky Strawberry

Class C2     Five Runner Beans

Class C3     Five Dwarf French Beans

Class C4     Longest Runner Bean (new rule)

Class C5     Heaviest Marrow (new rule)

Class C6     Three onions (UNDER 8oz/226g each)

Class C7     Three onions ( OVER 8oz/226g each)

Class C8     Three carrots (with 3″/7.5cm tops)

Class C9     Three beetroot (with tops)

Class C10   Three sticks of Rhubarb (trimmed)

Class C11    Any other single vegetable not shown above

Class C12    A collection of five different single vegetables

Class C13    Wonky Veg

Class C14    One cucumber

Class C15    One lettuce (with roots)

Class C16    Three standard size tomatoes

Class C17    Five small fruited tomatoes

Class C18    Vase of mixed herbs

Class C19    Plate of five raspberries

Class C20    Three Apples (with stalks)

Class C21    Plate of any other fruit (one variety)

Class C22    Flower, Fruit or vegetable grown by a child (under 16 years)