This Years Show Will Take Place on 10/08/2024

2017 – The Day After

So the 2017 show is now over. Thankyou all for your support – whether it was as an entrant who gave us 25p a go and filled the room with some amazing exhibits, whether it was as a volunteer who started in January with all the running around, through to vanning tables about on Friday […]

So the 2017 show is now over. Thankyou all for your support – whether it was as an entrant who gave us 25p a go and filled the room with some amazing exhibits, whether it was as a volunteer who started in January with all the running around, through to vanning tables about on Friday & Saturday night. Maybe you just came to have a look on Saturday and gave us £1 to help put on the 25th show next year, or maybe you had the difficult task of judging the entries. Maybe you were sweating away in an office or a kitchen – working hard to ensure those “front of house” people could swan around looking pretty 🙂 Or maybe you’re still in the scout hut this morning doing the washing up! Maybe you even did all of those things and a bit more. Either way – thanks. I entered my first show in 2010 and found it a lovely, wonderful experience. It just wouldn’t still be here if not for the hard work of all the volunteers and members of the community who continue to work hard to make it all possible.

The photos I took from the day are all here to view on Flickr. If you’ve got some photos or anything you’d like to share (or have me add to the WABShow Flickr account) contact us and ‘ll be in touch. Here’s a selection of my personal favourites from the day (I Am Not A Judge – this is just what I liked…)


Teddy bear made by hand. Spoke to the lady and said I’d make him “Internet Famous” – so here he is!


Barons Quay Photos… When I went there to take photos for the competition, I struggled. However I was really impressed by some of these entries.


John Lennon – carved in wood. Amazing.


This was just a wonderful little tableaux. The detail – even down to the print on the “Weaverham News” was incredible. Super stuff.


This is just a small sample of some of the amazing quality junior art. As a failed artist (and thus a photographer) myself I’m blown away by some of the talent on display here. Well done to all who entered.

Liz will be along when she’s recovered to give her verdict on the 2017 show (Edit to add she’s done it – here), and we’ll be back in January to think about our 25th birthday in 2018. Enjoy the rest of the Summer folks!



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